#waronplastic causes chaos at Cheeky Wipes!
We love Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall. And Sir David Attenborough is a LEGEND. And we're absolutely delighted that they're raising awareness of the impact of plastic pollution and what we can do to reduce our eco-impact.
Its only taken them 10 years to catch up with us innovators here at Cheeky Wipes HQ....
The accompanied focus as a result of the TV shows has been brilliant for us and we've seen a massive increase in sales here over the last couple of months which is fantastic but does give us a few logistical headaches (understatement). Although we have been ramping up production volumes steadily over the last 22 months or so, at the moment we can't keep kits in stock because we just can't almost double the quantity on hand overnight as they take time to be produced and ship to us. That's why our all-in-one kits, CSP full kits and mucky boxes are constantly on preorder at the moment.
(This is an actual cartoon of Claire, our warehouse manager at the moment.....)
We ran out of kits at the end of May, and have been taking preorders for the kits since that point. They arrived towards the end of June and we're still trying to clear the backlog as the warehouse is running at capacity...and realised yesterday that we will only just clear our backlog of orders this week and need to take preorders for the next container which is due mid-August.
Probably too much information, but I wanted to explain that we're not numpties who aren't on top of things, and are doing our very best to try and fulfil all our orders in a timely fashion, however at the moment, it's just not possible.
We do have a plan B however and are working on it in the background.
Anyway, I just wanted to take a few moments to apologise for the delay in getting orders out and for the fact that we're having to take pre-orders. We don't like it any more than you. The warehouse team are doing a brilliant job, they deserve a big shout out of recognition, as does Jo our customer services manager. We're doing our best, please be patient.