Goats Milk Soap Recipe for eczema or sensitive skin
As you'll know if you read my blog, or even my about us page, aside from saving the planet and LOTS of money, one of the reasons that I created the Cheeky Wipes reusable wipes kit is because I've got eczema.
I've had eczema since I was 5, so I'm aware of what I use on my skin because many skin products do irritate me. I really try to avoid using steroid creams and use natural products where I can.
I'd also like to cut back on the amount of shower gel I use, from a packaging and sustainability viewpoint. I was really looking for a recipe for soap for sensitive skin. I'd heard that Goats Milk soap was a great soap for Eczema, and thought I'd give it a go. I didn't know at the time that it took 4 weeks for soap to 'cure' before use, so I waited until I'd actually tried and tested it before sharing.
This is a great recipe for any skin condition, it will clean your skin perfectly and leave it feeling soft too.
If you haven't made soap before, take a look online to see what equipment you need for this goats milk soap recipe.
Most of it you'll already have in the house, as you need saucepans, glass jugs, a plastic stirring spoon and a mould for the soap (I use plastic take-away trays or a Mucky Wipes Container ). Things you'll probably need to buy are a glass thermometer and plastic safety glasses.
Goats Milk Soap Ingredients
- 255g coconut oil
- 595g olive oil
- 255g goats milk
- 116g lye (caustic soda)
- cheeky wipes fresh wipes oil (lavender & chamomile) - no need to use this if you'd prefer fragrance free soap, but I find the lavender & chamomile to be great for my skin and you only need a small amount. Don't use fragrance oils - these tend to be full of chemicals, stick to natural oils
Goats Milk Soap - Method
- Freeze the (weighed) goats milk in ice cube trays
- Melt together (in the largest saucepan you've got!) the coconut and olive oil, let it cool slightly until it reaches between 80f and 130f
- Put the frozen milk into a smaller saucepan and add the lye. ALWAYS ADD THE LYE TO THE FROZEN MILK AND NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND!
- Stir the oils and lye, until dissolved (if you're unsure, do this for 4 or 5 minutes)
- Add the milk and lye solution to the oil and blitz the lye mixture with a stick blender (very carefully!) until the mixture 'traces' i.e. when you dribble a line of the soap solution across the top of the mix, you can see the line.
- Add the essential oil
- Pour into greased containers, cover and leave for 24 hours, then cut into bars.
- Store in an airy place to cure for 4 weeks before use
I've been using this soap for 2 - 3 weeks now and it's great on my sensitive skin, rich and mild and smells great too. The slight downside is that it's a little on the soft side so doesn't last that long. I've already made a different recipe though and will share it with you once I've had a chance to test it.
It would also be worth substituting some of the olive oil with shea butter, castor oil or organic palm oil. Or even adding some aloe vera for extra healing properties for sensitive skin.
Happy soap-making!
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About the author: Helen Rankin is founder and owner of Cheeky Wipes and Cheeky Pants. Established in 2008 with the best-selling reusable baby wipes kit, the company takes pride in it's ethos of providing 'Simple Reusables' and was awarded the Queens Award for Enterprise in Sustainable Development in 2021 in recognition of their work over the last 13 years.